What happened to Gene Drives at COP15 of the UN Convention on Biodiversity?
14. March 2023
In December 2022, States from all around the world gathered in snowy Montreal to discuss the future of biodiversity protection and conservation until 2030. What did they have to say about new technologies such as gene drives?
Gene drives are the opposite of nature conservation
1. December 2022
Ahead of the UN Biodiversity Conference COP 15 and its Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in Montreal over 140 civil society organisations from Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas have issued a joint manifesto exposing alarming risks of environmental releases of genetically engineered gene drive organisms which could lead to irreversible ecological consequences and drive entire species into extinction.
The UN CBD working group is meeting in Kenya these days
22. June 2022
The Fourth Working Group of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity is meeting at the moment and discusses very important issues related to gene drives.
300,000 EU citizens call on German environmental minister Steffi Lemke: Stop Gene Drives!
31. May 2022
On 31st of May, the Stop Gene Drive Campaign handed over 300,000 signatures calling for a global gene drive moratorium to th German environmental minister Steffi Lemke.
World Malaria Day 2022
25. April 2022
Are gene drive mosquitoes the best shot we have in the fight against malaria? What risks are we accepting if we use this technology?
International negotiations on Gene Drives resume in person
15. April 2022
The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (UN CBD) and its sub-protocols are the world's most important forums for establishing internationally binding regulations for Gene Drive technology. For the first time since the beginning of the COVID pandemic - after more than two years of repeated postponements and online meetings - government officials, civil society, scientists and business lobbyists met in person to resume international negotiations in Geneva (Switzerland) between 14-29 March 2022.
World Wildlife Day
3. March 2022
Conserving wildlife and protecting biodiversity should be one of our biggest efforts. Gene Drive Organisms could be detrimental to both.