78 organizations call on the European Commission to enact a temporary ban on the novel Gene Drive technology

Gene Drive technology: Species extinction through genetic engineering? In an open letter initiated by Greenpeace EU, Friends of the Earth Europe, IFOAM EU and the German initiative Save Our Seeds, 78 environmental, agricultural, animal welfare and development aid organizsations from all over Europe are calling on the EU Commission to outlaw the release of so-called Gene Drive Organisms in the…

162 organizations call for global gene drive moratorium

A broad coalition of 162 organizations has sent an open letter to Frans Timmermans, Vice President of the European Commission. It demands that plants and animals modified using new genetic engineering methods continue to be strictly regulated in the future. Furthermore, the EU Commission should support a global moratorium on gene drive organisms. The existing EU genetic engineering…


Gene Drives. The new dimension of genetic engineering. Applications, Risks and Regulation. Download the report here: Gene Drives_ A new dimension of genetic engineering

Parties in favor of a gene drive moratorium

In the forefront of the European elections, the SPD, Die LINKE and Die Grünen are calling for a gene drive moratorium. The CDU wants to examine the necessity of a moratorium. In a poll of the top candidates for the European elections on their attitudes towards new genetic engineering and gene drives, the majority of the major German parties are concerned about the risks that could result from…

Online-Discussion: Gene Drives – Protecting People and Nature through Genetic Extermination?

https://youtu.be/T5HfGYv9laE   Ricarda Steinbrecher, geneticist and board member of the European Network for Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), emphasized that it is difficult or even impossible to make reliable predictions about the effects of a future application of Gene Drives, especially at the current time. After all, organisms are released which then…


Impressum Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft Büro Berlin Marienstr. 19 10117 Berlin Germany Tel. +49-30-24047146 Fax +49-30-27590312 E-Mail: stop-genedrives saveourseeds.org Internet: www.zukunftsstiftung-landwirtschaft.de Die Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft ist der presserechtlich verantwortliche Herausgeber dieser Website. Kontakt:
Benedikt Haerlin (V.i.S.d.P.)…

Was sind Gene Drives?

Was sind Gene Drives? Mit Hilfe von neuen Gentechnikverfahren wie CRISPR/Cas9 wurden in den letzten Jahren sogenannte Gene Drives entwickelt, mit denen der Mensch neue Gene im Erbgut wildlebender Tierpopulationen verbreiten kann. Gene Drives erzwingen die Vererbung von neu eingeführten Genen an sämtliche Nachkommen, auch wenn dies die Überlebenschancen der betroffenen Art senkt. Im…

Interview mit Ali Tapsoba

Die Gene Drive Technologie birgt hohe Risiken. Dennoch wird sie von der Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation als Maßnahme gegen Malaria propagiert. Anlässlich des Welt-Malaria-Tages startet die Stop Gene Drives Kampagne ein Projekt, das verschiedene Perspektiven auf alternative Möglichkeiten der Malariabekämpfung aufzeigt. In diesem Interview mit Ali Tapsoba de Goamma, Umwelt- und…

SBSTTA 26: Ensuring good governance of synthetic biology

As participants in the 26th Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 26) of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), we will be sharing insights through articles authored by members of the CBD-Alliance's Working Group on Synthetic Biology, to which we belong. Key topics of discussion at the Nairobi conference include synthetic biology and the risk…

Interview with Arnaud Nouvion

Gene Drives will most probably be released first to fight malaria. We therefore created this series of interviews with health care experts, researchers and civil society to amplify their voices and concerns around this technology. How is the financial situation around Malaria? “It is great how much money is available these days to fight diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis or aids. The Global…